shipping - USA to COLOMBIA

Shipping made easy

Get your favorite products from the USA delivered to your door in Colombia within 5 business days! Our low rates are based on weight. No more struggling to find what you want or waiting forever for shipping. Let us take care of it!

Logistics made easy.

Just ship to our Miami office and have it in at your door within 5 business days!

Only $5 per pound

based on actual weight when received. Minimum 5lb.

Insurance Included

up to $200.00 for loss per item

Tax & Duty Included

when declared value is less than $200.00 USD

Import Fee Included

when declared value is less than $200.00 USD

Airline Surcharge Included

when declared value is less than $200.00 USD

Direct to Your Door

within 5 business days, excluding holidays

Don't think. Just ship.

Ship your goods to Colombia
Contact Us Today via WhatsApp

Exceptions for Cellphones & tablets

We are able to ship cell phones and tablets for a flat $75 per device. If the device exceeds $200, the DIAN will impose a 19% duty which we will charge up-front. Proof of purchase receipt is required.

Aerosols & other restricted items

If you cannot check it in your checked bag, then you cannot ship it via the plane. However we do have access to shipping via boat for the same rate + $20 handling fee, however it can take up to 30 days to arrive.

Exceptions for Laptops

We are able to ship laptops for a flat rate of $150 per device. If the device exceeds $400 USD, the DIAN will impose a 19% duty which we will charge upfront. Proof of purchase receipt is required.